
Even if you're just starting out in private practice you will know that there are certain 'must haves'. These include:

  • Medical indemnity
  • Private secretary
  • Consulting rooms
  • Treatment rooms (endoscopy/theatres depending upon specialty)

To that list I would add something else: Marketing.

Now, marketing isn't a 'thing' you can buy as such, it's a system, a process. It's a way of running your practice to make sure the most important thing of all happens: patients come in through the door.

Because unless that happens regularly you don't have a practice at all.

The trouble is how exactly do you promote your skills and expertise? How do you 'market yourself'?

And that's where mentoring comes in. Mentoring is where you work with me personally to help you grow your practice. It starts a thorough assessment of where you are now and what your income goals are for the future (see consulting) and leads on from that to me working with you to get what has to be done, DONE.

Because the difference that makes the difference between a successful practice earning the income you would like and a mediocre practice with half empty clinics and theatre lists is effective marketing.

To find out more about the Academy of Private Practice Mentoring Programme click here to get in touch.

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