Grow your Private Practice


Grow your Private Practice by CHOICE


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  • 31 Hints, Tips & Strategies to Grow Your Practice - FAST

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  • 31 Hints, Tips & Strategies to Grow Your Practice - FAST

  • FREE Private Practice 'Cheat Sheet'

  • Access to the Private Facebook Group

What we do

Websites that WORK

Your website has ONE purpose and one purpose ONLY: to generate patients for your private practice. Nothing more, nothing less. And to do that every element on the page has to be designed to work towards that goal - of persuading the visitor to pick up the phone or to fill in the Contact Us box and book that crucial appointment. The trouble is, most web developers know how to make your website look pretty, but have no idea how to make it fit sell your services...

..which is why people come to us.

What we do


There are two reasons most clinicians never achieve their private practice goals. The first is they don't know that it is possible to actively grow their practice. They think they 'the only way is the Old Way' of time served working hard in the NHS - basically Dead Men's Boots. 

The second problem is that even if they know that it is possible to actively promote their private practice they don't know how to do it. Holding GP 'Educational Meetings' will only get you so far - and unless you're a warm and fuzzy 'people-person' can be pretty slow and demoralising...

What we do

Photography & Video

How potential patients see you is critical. Good content on your website and in your marketing is vital but poor photos of you will undo all your hard work in a moment.

And then of course there's video.

High quality videos of you talking about how you can help patients with the conditions you treat will not only differentiate you from your competitors but can also rapidly grow your practice.

What we do

Mentoring & On-Going Support

It's one thing to know the steps you need to take to grow your practice, it's quite another to make the time to actually get those things done. The Academy of Private Practice Mentoring Programme is a high-end programme for determined, driven consultants who want to achieve their practice income goals in the but recognise getting it done alone without support is going to be tough.

Private practice can be a lonely old game - but it doesn't have to be that way.

What we do

The DONE-FOR-YOU Marketing Package

This is a comprehensive marketing package designed to give you everything you need to get your private practice marketing finally SORTED. We set up everything FOR you - website, social media, photography, video, the whole enchilada. All you have to do is to plug it into your practice.

The details of precisely what is included depends upon your needs and what in our experience works best in your specialty and is tailored specifically to you.

The is NOT a cheap option and NOT suitable for everyone. By Application only.

What we do


An inspirational and motivational keynote speaker with a focus on business skills, entrepreneurship, and practical strategies to grow your private practice. I have been invited to speak at many events including several times at an international conference on aesthetic and plastic surgery.

I am a qualified general surgeon, author of the book '117 Ways to Grow your Private Practice' and was feature writer for 'Independent Practitioner Today' magazine for over four years. I ran my own company designing and building racing cars, have been involved in a medico-legal start-up and now work full time helping colleagues to grow their private practices.

what they say...

Testimonials & Success Stories

Dr. C C.

Consultant Cardiologist

If you are serious about increasing your private practice, I would definitely suggest you speak with Dev to see how he can help. He knows medicine, and he knows marketing. You can be in control of how many private patients you see. It is however hard work. If your heart isn’t in it, don’t bother, but accept that you’ll never know how your practice may have grown. I was torn, but took the plunge and by working with him one-on-one and following his advice, I provide a better service than ever for my patients, and my income increased 5 fold in a little over a year.

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